Martin Luther King (Redux)

Today is the anniversary of the I Have a Dream speech, a speech who’s message, as masterful oratory as it is, message actually leaves me sort of cold. For the most part, politically, Dr. King and I are not compatible. But with out a doubt I have great respect for a man who sacrificed himself trying to lead our glorious race to a better place in the US and indeed the world. So in honor of his special day I will post my favorite Martin Luther King clip. For me, it is his most powerful message.
The MLK that’s never quoted.
“‎”Nobody can do this for us. No document can do this for us. No Lincolnian Emancipation Proclamation, no Kennesonia, no Johnsonian civil rights bill can totally bring this kind of freedom. No, if the Negro is to be free he must reach down into the inner resources of his own soul and sign with the pen & ink of assertive manhood his own emancipation proclamation. Psychological freedom, a firm sense of self-esteem, is the most powerful weapon against the long night of physical slavery.

The good Dr and I shared a favorite song and gospel artist in How I Got Over by Mahalia Jackson. Listen to both they will deepen your life experience.

From, Old Tuskegee

Everyone knows Tuskegee has molded many of a great mind, like George Washington Carver‘s, Albert Murray‘s and Ralph Ellison‘s. What is less known about ‘Skegee is that it had a top notch culinary and hospitality program, that sent its graduates all around the world even West Africa before it was fashionable to go there. I will look into making a more in depth post. But for now here is a picture of one of its graduates, a young Octoroon setting a table.

Octoroon Tuskegee Institute

Men’s Minimum Wardrobe?


I am of the mind that traditional thought must be accompanied by traditional dress. It shows respect for a given situation and the people involved and an appreciation for beauty. But even if one doesn’t dress in a traditional manner typically, they should always dress appropriately for whatever  they are doing.
Here is a pretty versatile collection of clothing that will have you prepared for almost any situation. From work to play to those ambiguous situations in which you are not quite sure what to wear.
Comment if you have suggestions for additions, or two disagree with an addition or simply to laugh at the list.

5 city suits;
2 informal, weekend or country suits (eg.1 Tweed and 1 Linen);
3 tweed coats;
1 Navy DB Blazer;
1 Dinner jacket;
2 Summer weight unlined coats;
10 Casual trousers;(dark blue denim, corduroys, khakis, moleskin, twill)
24 Boxer shorts;
85 neckties;
7 White dress shirts;
17 Color dress shirts;
12 Informal button down shirts (including Viyella & Oxford);
36 pochettes (12 colored, 12 Irish linen, 12 au choix.);
8 Sweaters;( Shetland wool, cashmere)
2 Vests; (for wear with Tweed coats.)
5 Pajamas;
1 Bathrobe in wool;
1 Bathrobe in silk;
1 Smoking or “Interior wear only” jacket;
1 Barbour jacket;
7 Pairs of shoes (4 Oxford, 2 Elegant Brogues; 1 Double soled Brogues);
4 Overcoats (DB blue or gray, SB blue or gray; Tweed , Whipcord, or Covert);
1 Leather jacket (optional, should be Sheepskin, preferably made bespoke);
5 Hats (Trilby Brown and Gray; Fedora; Homburg in black, Panama);
4 Caps (3 tweed; 1 Linen);
3 pairs of gloves;
Assorted silk and cashmere scarves;
2 Umbrellas;
1 Cane or Walking stick.
Boxes of socks. “Fils D’Ecosse”, Wool, and Linen.
Unlimited numbers of pairs of cufflinks and button covers.
2 timepieces: Leather band dress watch, and Sportswatch
Assorted braces and belts

American Conservatism at Work?

Home in Black established Mound Bayou Mississippi

Elizabeth Wright’s article Mississippi Goes Global is but one more example of how modern day conservatives have no interest in actually conserving anything of any importance.
That is why as a natural conservative I am always hesitant to use the term conservative since it has been hi jacked by what Daniel MccArthy astutely calls “business liberals”, these economic liberals actually have very little interest in actually conserving land, traditions and the culture that comes from the people rooted in a particular piece of soil. They only care about about economic progress and will use the state(ironically) to destroy that land in the name of economic progressiveness.


So, we learn that Mississippi too must “take its place in the global economy.” Or so a cluster of black families are being told, as they resist their removal from land they have owned in Canton, Mississippi, for 60 years.

Having outbid every other competing state for a Nissan truck factory, the government of Mississippi means business. The stubborn Archie and Bouldin families will have to yield as the bulldozers close in on their land. Their homes are now located on property where Nissan plans to build a parking lot and an access road.

Although the state has offered the two families more than a half-million dollars for their land, they have chosen to go to court to challenge the condemnation procedure. The Washington Post quotes Lonzo Archie, a welder, as saying, ”

“My grandfather bought this land in 1941. There’s 15 of our families right around here, and none of them want to live anywhere else. But then the state comes in and pushes us around and tells us they’re going to turn our land over to a private company. It’s not right.”

Officials of the state’s economic development bureau candidly claim that a higher principle is involved in the need to seize this property–that is, according to the Post, the state’s need to demonstrate to businesses around the country that it is “utterly serious about attracting big corporate investments.” And, furthermore, says a state official, “What’s important is the message it would send to other companies if we are unable to do what we said we would do. If you make a promise to a company like Nissan, you have to be able to follow through.”