Ralph Ellison in The Paris Review

The following is an excerpt of and link to Ralph Ellison’s comments on Black culture in his Paris Review interview. I also posted this on the (in progress) essential reads section of the site. Enjoy!

Interviewed by Alfred Chester & Vilma Howard


The history of the American Negro is a most intimate part of American history. Through the very process of slavery came the building of the United States. Negro folklore, evolving within a larger culture which regarded it as inferior, was an especially courageous expression. It announced the Negro’s willingness to trust his own experience, his own sensibilities as to the definition of reality, rather than allow his masters to define these crucial matters for him.


Oswald and Aretha

Queen of Soul

This might be the most unlikely combination on earth, but these two are saying the same thing. I truly find this sums up the issues between Black men and woman of this generation.

Oswald Spengler was a German historian and philosopher who’s most famous work The Decline of The West is legend among Rightest (not your GOP sort). Outside of Julius Evola some consider him the most Right Wing person in history, I’m not quite sure that is correct but his book is a great read.
Aretha is Aretha, the Queen of Soul and AfroTrads second favorite female singer behind Mahaila Jackson.

“In every corner of the world and in every epoch of history, the men and women of every culture deserve each other.” – Oswald Spengler

Aretha Franklin‘s Do Right Woman, Do Right Man: