The AfroFogey’s Favorite Shoe!

I don’t own this as of yet, but when I’m down and in need up lift occasionally I pull up pictures of this pair of Gaziano & Girling Dark Brown Alligator Oakham Shoe and suddenly I’m inspired!!

The Beauty of Small Churches


No place do I feel more closer to God and my ancestors both the Christians and those who followed Africa’s religions of various forms, than I do at a rural Negro church. For it was there that, these two great paths towards God mingled and gave us many of the practices we have in the Black Church today and our culture at large. The ring shout, catching the holy ghost, the great Black American Gospel music that is derived from Negro Spirituals, that swing you hear in your favorite Jazz composition, down on to the style of oratory made famous by too many Black preachers to name.

So if you’re in need affirmation, a way to rekindle your connection to community (which is harder and harder to maintain in this age) visit these churches or even the remains of one, its metaphysical impact can be great if you are open it. God bless you.


A Traditionalists Creed

What I am about to say does not concern the ordinary man of our day. On the contrary, I have in mind the man who finds himself involved in today’s world, even at its most problematic and paroxysimal points; yet he does not belong inwardly to such a world, nor will he give in to it. He feels himself, in essence, as belonging to a different race from that of the overwhelming majority of his contemporaries.

Baron Evola, Ride The Tiger (1961)

Julius Evola

I am Sapelo by Cornelia Walker Bailey

A Young Man Throwing a Shrimp Net.

Cornelia Walker Bailey Geechee and Sapelo Island griot penned a great  article  name I am Sapelo on , check it out to further understand of the origins of Black Culture and the Gullah people.

I am Sapelo :

I am here to represent Sapelo Island, a little hammock on the Georgia Coast. It’s a dying form of life we have here. In some ways I relish the new way while at the same time I feel such a heavy loss for the vanishing of the old ways

Stylish Not Fashionable

Being stylish as oppose to being fashionable can help one avoid being foolish whether we are talking clothes or politics. Ten years down the line one doesn’t want to look back and remember they were a member of the Tea Party or wore skinny jeans.
Fortunately for my sanity’s sake this post is about clothing and not current events. I’m always surprised to see slovenly dressed traditionalist, some whilst even in church!,I’ve heard. Sartorial propriety has always been something to aspire to, until society became overly egalitarian.  So without further ado, here some people I find particularly fly.