The AfroFogey


AfroFogey has been my internet de plum for some years now and many folks have inquired about what exactly does it mean. I must admit the name itself was inspired by the decidedly not Afro, Young Fogeys of England. But the worldview is solidly  Negro; Negro in the Ellisonian sense, minus the nod to the Indians. There are other AfroFogeys , otherwise called AfroTraditionalists (AfroTrads), out there scattered about, differing from each other in minor ways and for certain many of them are better writers than I but I am here first thus I’ll write the definition.

Afrofogeyism isn’t an ideology but a disposition, centered upon the view that the past was better than the present and without a doubt should inform our future. For first and foremost, the AfroFogey is a romantic. The idea of old Harlem and old New Orleans are immensely appealing and inspiring to him.

The AfoFogey is a conservative in the truest sense of the word. He seeks to preserve and promote Black American culture. Unlike “Black” Republicans who refer to themselves as conservatives, who have no interest in preserving anything.

The AfroFogey loves; Jazz; Negro Spirituals; Gospel and all traditional styles of Black music. He considers “rock” mostly juvenile rebellion and is one of the things at the root of the vulgarity of our current time.

He also loves; Ralph Ellison; Zora Neale Hurston; Albert Murray; Martin Delany; Alexander Crummell, Booker T. Washington, Harold Cruse and 19th & 20th-century Black businessmen (and woman).

The AfroTraditionalist likes; Stanley Crouch’s critiques but thinks of him as the poor man’s Albert Murray. Murray is a seminal thinker and among the most under-appreciated writers of recent memory. He is especially under-read by those who actually need to read him.

The AfroFogey exalts, and expects his kids to attend, the great HBCUs; Spelman, Howard, and Morehouse, even if he never went to one himself. Institutions like them and the Black church will be the basis for “civilization”

The AfroTrad is nationalist; he supports Black business, lives among Blacks and marries Black- and greatly enjoys the phrase “if she can’t use your comb, don’t bring her home”. However, he is not sympathetic to the Black Panthers and the Black power movement or any post 60’s Marxist informed “radicals”.

Without a question, the beautiful Clair Huxtable in her 1980’s era splendor is the AfroFogeys pin up girl. On occasion, his style and disposition will cause those who know him to call him Bill Cosby.

The AfroFogey eats and loves fried chicken, collard (mustard & turnips) greens, Virginia ham, real barbecue, and whatever grandma cooked. He also likes fine French food (Duck & game please) and wines a great deal.
The AfroFogey loves Africa, specifically West Africa, but is rather indifferent to Africans, especially those who’ve immigrated to the US.

The AfroFogey always pays deference to religion and loves the AME & AME Zion churches.

To the AfroTraditionalist, Mahaila Jackson is the greatest singer ever (because she is).

The AfroFogey thinks the civil rights movement may have theoretically been largely a good idea but is cool on integration. Frequently laments the demise and decline of Black businesses, churches and especially our communities.

As alluded to earlier the AfroFogey prefers the term Negro to Black and Black to African American and certainly is not a Person of Color.

Never fervently or hatefully but the Fogey is anti- immigration and thinks birthright citizenship is silliness. There is much to be said for blood, culture, land, and traditions being a far more reasonable and logical way to decide where a person is a citizen.

Some AfroFogies maybe Prince Hall Masons but that’s a dying breed and that organization has caught the attention of uneducated conspiracy theorists.

The AfroFogey drives a Cadillac unless his wife has convinced him to get a Lexus (the province of social climbers). If not able to afford the Caddy he drives another affordable understated vehicle; Toyota, Buick, Chevy but never an Acura.

Some vote Democratic although they shouldn’t.
The AfroTraditionalst is apathetic to Feminism and finds feminist amusing.

The AfroFogey has absolutely no voice in the mainstream media.

Not unheard of for the Fogey to have the only well-kept house in a rapidly declining neighborhood.

The AfroFogey is never an activist.

The AfroTrad vacations on the Martha’s Vineyard, The South Carolina Lowcountry, and Ghana among other places. He never visits LA, Florida, Las Vegas or any other cultural wastelands.

The AfroFogey constantly defends Black culture against the “conscious”, insecure uncle toms, Pan Africans, Radical Liberals, color blind so called conservatives. Rarely defends the culture against whites, their opinion on the topic matters little.

You may be wondering if there is a female equivalent to the AfroFogey and the answer is, unlikely. The closest specimens were the recently deceased Elizabeth Wright and the long dead Zora Neale Huston (our spiritual mother.)